Modern cabling supports digital transformation


What you really need for a future-oriented IT infrastructure!

If you want to survive in the shark pool of international markets, you have to rethink. Global competition confronts companies with enormous challenges. Dusty hierarchies and lengthy processes are obsolete. Instead, new structures and optimized processes are required. There is no way around digital transformation. This requires more dynamism and agility. However, new working models, big data, the Internet of Things (IoT) and modern applications are not feasible without a powerful data center.

But it is precisely their data centers, with partly outdated or overloaded infrastructures, that often slow organizations down. And not all obstacles can be removed by external solutions. Rather, it must be done in-house in order to become fit for the future and global competition. High availability and flexibility are at the top of the list of requirements. This brings cabling more into focus. Quality requirements are increasing in line with the increasing load on the network. Individual planning and intelligent cable management make it easy to optimize the network infrastructure. Latency times decrease while data throughput increases.


Clear structures are essential

Data centers need clear structures. This is the only way they can handle internal processes smoothly and at the same time ensure access to public communication networks, cloud providers and, last but not least, the Internet. A guideline for a well-structured IT environment is the ISO-OSI seven-layer reference model. Already in the first layer the physical infrastructure is listed, which takes over the data transport. The pivotal point here is IT cabling, without which nothing runs in the network. Cables are the framework of corporate IT. They connect applications and components and act as a digital data link for the exchange of information.

Nevertheless, many IT managers do not have the cabling on the radar from the outset. Cables usually lead a shadowy existence and only come into focus when they reach their capacity limits. Existing infrastructures are often outdated and can no longer meet today's requirements such as high channel densities, high transmission speeds and uninterrupted hardware replacement. This is where action and investment are needed, to ensure that companies are well equipped to meet the demands of the future.

Quality pays off

In the medium to long term, it pays to rely on high-quality components when selecting new network cabling. High availability, scalability and security should also be considered. In a future-oriented IT landscape, care should be taken to use factory assembled, ready-to-use systems (plug-and-play) for both fiber optic and copper cables. These systems deliver the highest possible and reproducible quality and therefore offer the best transmission characteristics. These solutions also provide the flexibility that is necessary for future growth. It should not be forgotten that data centers are "living" control centers. They must grow with business processes as well as with new applications and raising data volumes. Against this background, it makes sense to rely on clear and transparent IT cabling that is decoupled from the current "equipment pool". This creates a physical, application-neutral IT cabling infrastructure, which ultimately offers the company much more scope. 

Contamination is at the expense of performance

The interconnection of data centers is also becoming increasingly important for operational security and availability. It therefore makes sense to design this connection according to the two-way principle. To ensure the safe and reliable operation of fiber optic cabling, the technicians used must be trained in the specifics of the systems. Special attention should be paid to the fiber optic connector end faces. Due to their construction, they are particularly sensitive to contamination and damage. However, all types of contamination must be avoided to ensure smooth data center operation. It is therefore necessary to clean the end faces of the connectors with suitable cleaning tools and to inspect them under the microscope before installation. Only a professional can do that. Lack of care is quickly at the expense of performance. 

Factory-assembled, high-quality cabling components also contribute to cost optimization. They reduce maintenance and changeover times and thus the running operating costs for the data center. In addition, they ensure a highly available IT environment. This makes companies fit for the challenges of the IT future.

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