Premium Verification Program (PVP)
Even today, Rosenberger OSI, with its guaranteed manually-tested quality, is setting standards in the quality assurance chain.
The permanent high-quality control requirement of Rosenberger OSI is now also certified in Germany and Europe through the accredited testing laboratory GHMT AG with the Premium Verification Programme (PVP).
One of the most important objectives of Rosenberger OSI is transparency and autonomy in the verification of the permanent high-quality control requirement of the fibre optic cabling systems, with respect to users and planners.
GHMT continuously checks product samples from Rosenberger OSI for compliance with the national and international standard specification documents. With that, we make sure to meet the demand for the continuously high manufacturing quality of the passive cabling components. The random samples are taken both from manufacturing and storage, as well as purchased and tested over "blind ordering" with resellers.
Notable end customers and planners of innovative partners trust in the high level of security of the Premium Verification Programme (PVP) and require successful participation in their calls for proposals.