Data Center


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Connettori per fibre ottiche
Blog & Vlog

Fiber Optic Connectors: Common plug types & trends

Fiber optic connector with "physical contact"
The completely new innovative "Expanded Beam" principle
Very Small Form Factor Connectors are on the rise

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Blog & Vlog

Vlog #1 Addensamento nel data center

OSI Insights nel Video-Blog:
Gestione di pannelli High Density
Le sfide per i team di assistenza nei data center

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Events & Webinars

At high speed into the Cloud

What is important in IT infrastructure of a colocation datacenter
What the main challenges are today
The trends that are playing a role now

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Comunicati Stampa

Membro della German Datacenter Association (GDA)

Rosenberger OSI si unisce alla German Datacenter Association (GDA) ed espande la sua rete nel segmento dei data center.

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