Ultimi messaggi
EBO MPE: Why EBO next generation technology is a genuine alternative to MTP®/MPO connectors!
Multifiber expanded beam connector systems with EBO technology - a genuine alternative?!
What makes the expanded beam concept so suitable for fiber-optic connectors?
From the MTP®/MPO 12 to the EBO MPE 12 connector - What needs to be considered?
Comunicati Stampa
EBO MPE: Il meglio dei due mondi
EBO MPE per il cablaggio di data center a prova di futuro.
Il meglio dei due mondi: connettore monomodale e a lente
Blog & Vlog
Vlog #16 Expanded Beam Technology in Datacenters
OSI Insights in our video-blog:
Expanded beam technology in data centers
Reliable multifiber application
Blog & Vlog
Expanded Beam Technology
Structure and function of expanded beam optical ferrules
The new expanded beam technique permits singlemode and multimode lensed ferrules
High-bandwith fiber-optic technology for many fields of application