Data Center


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Data Center modernization
Blog & Vlog

Making Data Centers fit for the Future - Part 2

Consider the overall IT strategy
What systems and associated applications should remain on-premises?
Analysis and development of a bespoke concept

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Blog & Vlog

Making Data Centers fit for the Future - Part 1

SWOT analysis: on-premises vs. cloud vs. colocation?
What are the arguments for and against cloud services?
What part of IT will remain on-premises?

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Rosenberger OSI riceve un premio
Comunicati Stampa

TOP 100 Innovator nel comparto delle PMI tedesche

L’azienda riceve il riconoscimento per la sua cultura aziendale atta a promuovere l'innovazione.

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Comunicati Stampa

Nuovo membro del progetto GAIA-X e eco association

Lo specialista del cablaggio partecipa al progetto Cloud europeo a partire dal 2022 e si unisce a: GAIA-X, eco associazione, EuroCloud Germany & Native.

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