Individual planning as a prerequisite for an efficient and secure data center


Data centers and the entire IT infrastructure are the technological core of modern companies and are decisive for their success. IT development does not stand still, but increases data transfer rates many times over every year. As a result, performance expectations for data centers and server rooms are rising continuously. Whether large corporations or small businesses with only a few servers - technological excellence is in demand around the clock, 365 days a year. In order for IT and TC to function properly, it is not enough to have products of the best quality. It is also not enough to replace existing units with more efficient ones. Rather, professional, individual and structured IT planning plays an important role.

Efficient solutions can be found through very detailed analyses of the individual situation. Because every data center has a different basic structure. If you want to run an efficient and economically sustainable data center, you have to consider all relevant parameters. The creation of a suitable IT concept is therefore always a new challenge for planners. Regardless of whether a conventional extension or a modular room-in-room system is to be implemented - it must be designed for a specific budget, depending on requirements and other factors. The construction of scalable data centers is a possibility to meet current and future requirements.

Standards always in view

An individual development plan, as described above, is the guide to helping implement a new data center. For us, the spectrum ranges from the active side to cabling and the necessary power connections. Depending on the security requirements of the data center, the fixed cabling (trunk cabling) is planned redundantly in accordance with the EN 50600 -2-4 standard and installed professionally. Full service from a single source is obligatory with us.


What is EN 50600?

EN 50600 sets standards for the first time for "availability, security and energy efficiency over the entire service life of data centers", including energy-saving potential. This new standard defines building designs for data centers as well as security and management aspects. In addition, the topic of "availability levels" will be harmonized. With the introduction of this standard, specialist planners and building owners will receive best practice standards for the implementation and operation of complete data centers for the first time.


Why early planning of data cabling is so important

As the bandwidths required by new active technology in today's data centers grow, so do the demands on the passive infrastructure. Data cabling should therefore be planned as early as possible, preferably together with power supply and air conditioning. A well conceived and effective cabling should harmonize the optimization of transmission lengths and attenuation budgets with a clear (and therefore flexible) structure. The selection of an individual cabling concept suitable for the respective data center must be in line with the standards EN 50173-5, EN 50174-1-2 and, as soon as available, EN 50600-2-4.

Terms such as energy efficiency, cooling optimization, adapted consolidation, intelligent monitoring and physical security concepts are also covered by us. Based on the individual parameter requirements, we work with our customers to develop a goal that can be achieved through modular system solutions, because the overall efficiency of IT is decisive for any data center planning. A scalable orientation is just as relevant as well as coordinated energy, cooling and security components according to the building structure and its geometry. The intention of data center planning is to optimize the interfaces between the various parameters such as IT infrastructure, security technology, fire alarm technology and access control by means of modular structures. In this way, IT infrastructures can be flexibly and cost-effectively adapted to future developments. "IT on demand" is the key to this. This means that we plan with a deployment in which the systems are implemented according to demand and can be expanded at any time through a modular structure.

Redundant planning needed

Redundant planning is essential for effective project realization with regard to optimized DC infrastructures and performance capacities. It can avoid unnecessary energy consumption and thus increased operating costs. Redundancies in power and cooling supply are just as important in modern data centers as double supply and constant system maintenance. The recommended room temperature in a data center, for example, is between 22° and 25°C, with a relative humidity of 30 to 50%. The operating temperature must therefore be kept constant in order to avoid impairing the IT components.

Datacenter inventory analysis and quality assurance

Updates in data transfer rates must also be taken into account in individual planning: For example, to ensure that the existing cabling is suitable for a pending bandwidth update - such as from 16 to 32 Gbit Fibre Channel - we offer a proactive check of the passive IT infrastructure using OTDR (optical time domain reflectometry) or on the basis of a BERT test (bit error test). In addition, we analyze the existing cabling for contamination using video microscopy.

What exactly is OTDR?

An Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) is a fiber optic instrument for characterization, troubleshooting and maintenance of optical telecommunication networks. OTDR tests are performed by transmitting and analyzing pulsed laser light passing through an optical fiber. The measurement should be unidirectional as the light is used at the end of a fiber optic link.

Third-party assessment and monitoring

Finally, external suppliers and third-party vendors are often an integral part of the data center environment. Should the planner not be able to be on site or in his data center to check or approve the services of the provider, we are happy to take over this part as a neutral authority for the customer. Within the framework of Quality Assurance Management, we ensure that the quality standards of the third-party provider are adhered to at all times.

Are you also interested in an individual development plan for your data center? Please contact us - we will be happy to advise you!

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