Vlog #3 Innovation - more than just a buzzword


OSI Insights in our video-blog

In an interview with Vicky Mergen from Human Resources our Innovation Manager Dr. Benjamin Weigand tells us what exactly the task of our innovation process is and what exciting projects are planned for the future.


Innovation management has been an integral part of Rosenberger OSI since 2019, what exactly are the tasks?

Dr. Benjamin Weigand: One major task of innovation management is the target research for customer needs. Here we are not talking about needs for existing technical solutions or products or service offerings. It’s about customer pain points or those underlying pain points and those form the basis for workshops. Those workshops are planned and moderated by innovation management. One second aspect of innovation management at Rosenberger OSI, is the technology scouting. So we are scouting for new technologies, market trends and for new service opportunities. We are looking for co-operations and expand our networks with research institutions and start-ups and work on new kinds of business models.

What are the plans for the future?

Dr. Benjamin Weigand: At the moment we are using quite successfully methods like Systematic Inventive Thinking and brainwriting techniques. The result of those techniques led to successful patent applications. In the future we want to deeply anchor methods like Design Thinking in our company. Those help us to find out the real customer pain points and to find solutions for them. In the future we want to conduct workshops together with our partners and customers.

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