Blog & Vlog


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Data Center architecture

Data center types in comparison: from server cabinets to hyperscalers

Data center architectures for SMEs
Third party: outsourcing data centers

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Splice solution vs. pre-assembly

Prefabrication saves time and money
High quality ex works

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Optimal data center

DC-Insight: The four most important components of modern data centers

Sustainable data centers rely on new technologies and concepts in core areas such as UPS, security, fire protection, racks and cabling

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Office network

How can a network be made flexible and scalable?

How can a network be made flexible and scalable?
Networks growing with the company.

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Dynamization of data centers

Dynamization of data centers - How can this be implemented in cabling?

Spine-leaf architecture outshines classic structures
Dynamic cabling with the CrossCon® solution

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Data center planning

Individual planning as a prerequisite for an efficient data center

Why early planning of data cabling is so important | Datacenter inventory analysis and quality assurance | Third-party assessment and monitoring

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