Data Centers


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Success Stories

Future-oriented cabling for transmission system operator TenneT

TenneT relies on modern control centers to monitor its grids, that can grow with the requirements of the dynamic energy market.

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Whitepaper OM5 versus OM4

When is OM5 technically and economically viable?

What are characteristics of OM5? What are the possible applications in contrast to the OM4 fibre?
What factors speak in favour of using OM5?

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Communiqués de presse

Une solution fibre optique hautes performances pour TenneT

L'entreprise de services publics bénéficie désormais d’une infrastructure de câblage hautes performances dernier cri dans ses datacenters.

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Blog & Vlog

MTP®/MPO cabling systems on the advance - but why actually?

By optimally utilizing fibers with Parallel Optics applications, channel attenuation, installation costs and data center space can significantly be reduced.

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