Data Centers


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Blog & Vlog

Parallel optics cabling is transporting huge data streams

The volume of data and information is growing faster than ever before and pushes many data centers to their limits. Parallel optics cabling can be the solution.

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Blog & Vlog

Fiber optic cabling optimizes data security in data centers

What are the decisive factors for professional data center cabling? A future-oriented network infrastructure, high performance & quality and best data security.

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Communiqués de presse

Rosenberger OSI installe infrastructure de câblage pour MIX

Le Milan Internet Exchange (MIX), un des plus importants nœuds Internet en Europe, a choisi d’homogénéiser l’infrastructure de câblage de son data center avec les solutions du spécialiste du câblage fibre optique Rosenberger OSI.

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Blog & Vlog

Future-oriented cabling supports the digital transformation

The digital transformation, Big Data and modern applications are not feasible without powerful data centers and state-of-the-art data center cabling solutions.

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