SUSTAINABILITY - just a buzzword or also a topic for the building cabling of the future?


Be it consumer behaviour, agriculture, energy supply, production or travel - the term "sustainability" has been at the forefront in almost all areas of life for years. There are heated discussions about how the term is to be defined, because it appears in different subject areas and is defined differently in each case.

The German Dictionary of Sustainability dates the first approaches to sustainable thinking and action back to the 17th century, when they were applied to sustainable forestry. Today, the idea of sustainability should be a global model for political, economic and ecological action in order to leave a liveable environment for future generations. The lip service has arrived. Politics and business, but often also everyone, still find it difficult to implement them.

Green IT was a breath of fresh air in the IT world

In the IT industry, the topic of "sustainability" came to the fore through "Green IT". Resource-saving components with low energy consumption and environmentally friendly materials suddenly shaped the picture. Today, energy-saving computers, monitors with low radiation levels and resource-saving printers are the norm in data centers and workplaces around the world.

Office and building cabling also follow the concept of sustainability. More durable, economical materials that offer high data throughput are replacing outdated cable structures. With the FTTACP concept, which Rosenberger OSI uses - an innovative, redundant Ethernet cabling concept - the amount of copper cables required for office or building cabling can be drastically reduced. This also drastically reduces the consumption of raw materials for such an infrastructure and conserves valuable resources.

Modern infrastructure thanks to resource-conserving cables

The FTTACP concept is based on active and passive components that adapt optimally to all the conditions of a building. This solution is therefore ideally suited for the new installation of a network. Rosenberger OSI provides the perfect solution for the expansion and revitalization of networks in existing buildings that offer little scope for change.


The heart of the PerCONNECT® EcoFlex'ITTM complete system is the Active Consolidation Point (ACP).  The floor distributor, switch and passive consolidation point merge into one unit. This saves resources and lowers costs. The tertiary cabling is connected directly to the switch - copper distribution fields and the patch cables otherwise required in floor distributors are thus obsolete. At the same time, the number of cables is reduced. The passively cooled industrial switch integrated in the ACP conserves energy resources. The calculated savings are around 50%. The FTTACP concept is also energy-saving during production. The production of the components requires only 31.25% of the energy required for the manufacture of copper cables in a classically structured cabling system.

Sustainability is feasible

The FTTACP concept of Rosenberger OSI places great emphasis on sustainability. Even when planning a new office or building cabling system, it becomes apparent that by reducing the amount of cable between 60% and 85% of the previously used copper cabling can be saved. According to our calculations, the raw material savings for production are an impressive 68.75%. In addition, the "gray energy" generated by production, transport, storage and disposal can be drastically reduced. With the FTTACP concept, Rosenberger OSI shows that sustainability can also be achieved without great effort in the area of building cabling.

Does your company want to contribute to more sustainability in the cable infrastructure? Are you interested in future-oriented, resource-saving office and building cabling? We would be pleased to inform you.

NEW: Smart building cabling mit PreCONNECT® smartNET